Sunday, March 21, 2010


Whenever I wake up on Sunday and get into the shower, Stephen Sondheim's "Sunday" tends to blare in my head. When I saw the show last year (or was it two years ago?) I was just in awe of the way he married the music and story together. Today when I woke up (at the crack of 7!) I did NOT have that song in my head. It was weird. Usually it happens every sunday but this was the first one it did not. Instead, a song by Kerrigan and Lowdermilk came on my iPod and now I am searching it out on YouTube for every singer who has EVER tried to have a go at it.

Yep, it's going to be a very musical sunday, I can feel it.

I'm INCREDIBLY happy to say that after some long talks and back-and-forth e-mails, Code Monkey is finally ready to walk on its own two legs and have production start on it. What started as a small little side project that I never even intended to have been made has turned into a small little short that has a nice bit of attention behind it. The fact that I'm once again working with my good friend Jackie Baker makes me smile too. I get a great sense of unity when working with her, it's like we're always on the same wavelength. Having her help makes it feel like a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders. What if I actually HAD weights on my shoulders? Sorry, I must really be tired if I'm typing stuff like that.

Or this.

I have to stop.

I don't have a ton to report right now, other than Christian (of LAN'ded fame) has gotten a big surge of subscribers in the past week. Juggling these two projects and 50 hour work weeks will be quite the challenge but no pain no gain right?

Let me make one thing clear, I haven't even been able to play Final Fantasy. I know, right? Crazy. You'd think I would have stopped the world for that. Whatevs.

And how about that health care thing today? I hope that happens. C'mon Obama, I know you can do it.

On to work.

~ Aaron J.

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