Friday, November 20, 2009

I'm not callin' Japan

The last two weeks have been interesting to say the least. I remember reading somewhere that George Lucas had to check himself into a hospital after filming Star Wars because he suffered from exhaustion. Well, I'm nowhere near that level of tired but I can see how a man could actually feel like that now. My schedule the past two weeks has been nothing but work, writing, film, edit, upload, and advertise. Kyle and I decided to go with a content plan for Imaginary Trends that requires us to upload new content every Tuesday and Friday and God as my witness I'm going to adhere to the content plan.

It really gives me alot of creative freedom in many ways. Due to the time constraints I have I almost have to be topical in order to attract fans. Because I don't have a ton of time to assemble long-winded ideas, I write and produce very quickly. It's all very cut-and-run in a way. One day I'll be making a video blog about Sam Rockwell appearing in TMNT and the next day I'll be doing a video about Taylor Swift and her undeserving boyfriend Taylor Lautner. It's a challenge and I'm actually starting to relish it. I've ideas on the backburner but I'm secretly hoping some star or musician does something stupid so I (or Christian in this case) can pounce on it.

Working retail jobs during the holidays also means long hours. It's perfectly fine by me because I need to save all the money I can for Chicago. It's very unfortunate that these so called money trees my parents talk of dried up and died years ago. I bet those were convenient. It's always a blessing if the people you work with are cool, and I'm blessed twice over. I remember when I used to work for Waldenbooks someone referred to me as the "young cute kid" who worked there. If they saw me now I'd look like the "weathered, garish, lank-fest" who wanders around the store. Funny how 3 years changes everything eh? Speaking of which, it may or may not be my birthday this week and I can honestly say that it's my least favorite time of the year. I hate getting older and it's no joke. I desperately hate getting older. It's like a slow-moving disease in my body. For someone who enjoys being a kid so much, why glorify their getting older? Senseless. Ridiculous. Crazypants.

I picked up an iHome tonight for my newly acquired iPod and, much like Kirk receiving command of the Enterprise, I've never had anything fit like a glove this well before. You mean I can wake up to Raffi's "Banana Phone" or Mitch Hedberg stand-up routines? Why isn't this a requirement for living? Who's big idea was it to keep this from me for so long? I demand answers. In the mean time I have The Replacements on low while I write this. Good job.

I thought I had given up on Literature after attempting to read a few books recently. It's just that EVERYTHING I had tried to pick up and read bored me. I'm serious. I think I went through 6 books and was yawning the entire time. I picked up Stephen King's new book for NINE DOLLARS (The book is 1000+ pages thick, hardcover) and am actually enjoying it greatly now. I hope it continues to amaze me. Hey, it's better than New Moon...right?

Jonathan Coulton concert in 2 short weeks and I'm staying with friends I miss ever ever ever so much. Can't wait.

In the mean time, I'm going to watch Star Trek for the 9th time and drift off to bed. It's a slow night, maybe I'll get to bed before 5 AM.

Here's hoping.

tan horse dusty on the shelf too breakable to touch

jade snake happy by herself won't cuddle very much

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